Nemmy or

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!!!!!!!!!!Nonthought, Inthought, Disthought, Unthought, and Misthought!!!!!!!!!!

The Drive-Through Bar...almost a good idea.

Take the all-night minimart and combine it with a gas station - your one stop robbery center. Shoot the attendant, grab a case, fill're back in bed by 11.

People are stupid with a captial T.

!!!!!!!!!!If you have any misinformative quotes/words of wisdumb/unthought sayings/etc., send them to me at an above email address. Credit will be given.!!!!!!!!!!

[Dec 29 2004, last modified Apr 11 2005]

ADP Network (+1, -2)
Automatic Game Difficulty Level Generator (+4, -5)
Automatically Dealing Poker Table (+2, -2)
Bodyboarding Water Slide (+6, -3)
DDR Recorder (+6)
Fondue Gum (+8, -2)
GTV (+1, -2)
Non-Inverting Coaster Add-On (+2, -2)
Offline Blog (+3, -6)
On-Ride Video (0)
Para Para Revolution (+3, -5)
Ride Your Coaster...Literally! (+5, -5)
Scantron Stepcharts (+2, -1)
Simple Transitions (+6, -1)
Tape Measurer Bubble Gum (+9, -3)
The Great Change Games (+6, -1)
Webcam Poker (+9, -6)
Weight-Sensitive Television (+1, -2)

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