
I'm trying to achieve a pefect balance between bones and biscuits.

[Feb 06 2002, last modified Feb 13 2002]

Analog web wristwatch (+3, -1)
Animated News Globe (+22)
Bunk Tub (+8, -1)
Casino Sounds for Stockmarket (+11)
Cellphone Driving Mug (+3)
Green Car (+4, -4)
Halfbaked Award Shirt (+2, -7)
Pet Drink (+4, -4)
Real Gauges for Sims (+12, -1)
Restaurant Semi-Adventure phone Helper (+5, -1)
Safer Land Mine (+8, -2)
Sports Minivan (+1, -4)
Telemarketer Phone Pool (+31, -1)
Ultratechnical Lego (+18)
Vacuuming Pet Door (+7, -1)
Voice Activated Lighter (+2, -14)

random, halfbakery