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Culture: Book: Organisation
webscapades   (+1, -1)  [vote for, against]
accessible travel adventures

These adventure books a written about people who travel the world, and time, from the safety of their desktops, just using websites:

Slowly, he lifted his right pinky above the enter key, and then brought it down with deliberation, quickly tranporting him to the far-away land of... or so he thought, but mysteriously, the screen stayed completely blank for 30, 45, 120 seconds, a small spinning rainbow wheel a pursed lipped coquette...
-- JesusHChrist, Aug 12 2013

[+] sadly...this is my life these days...(she resides in ellipises)
-- xandram, Aug 12 2013

It's very writable surprisingly. Everything can be documented from trepidation at hitting send, indecision at clicking 'ok' at prompts, chat line dialogue, getting a dangerous virus from internet porn, action packed descriptions from gaming, etc.
-- rcarty, Aug 13 2013

Sortof a beta level Matrix meets Digimon.
-- RayfordSteele, Aug 13 2013

The real world could intrude in the form of bedsores.
-- bungston, Sep 22 2015

random, halfbakery