Anyone else noticed that people walk much faster on broken down travelators than the do on the strip of carpet which is usually present on either side ? Surely we could harness this pedestrian weirdism by installing false travelators where it's advantageous for everyone to walk fast, but where a working travelator would be impracticable or expensive. Like major shopping thoroughfares. Hmm.-- neilp, Jul 15 2003 Ifind that I walk faster on broken travelators because they have a springy feel when you walk on them that puts a small bounce in your step - at least the rubber topped ones. Otherwise, I might walk faster on it simply because it was unobstructed by slow walkers.
It seems to me to be no better (but a lot more expensive) than putting a stripe down the sidewalk with a "Fast Walker Lane" sign on one side. I would then feel guilty if I was walking slow in the fast lane. Kind of like those "Stand to right, Walk to left" signs on the airport travelators which seem to be pretty effective.-- dweeb, Jul 15 2003 you're probably right [dweeb], I propose a controlled experiment.
One street: tarmac 2nd : broken travelator 3rd : go faster stripe
(interesting point about springiness too, perhaps we just coat all streets with rubber)-- neilp, Jul 15 2003 Big ugly cops with cattle prods would be cheaper and more effective.-- LabRat, Jul 15 2003 random, halfbakery