small portable device (vacume cleaner size) that can detect soy products through a rather small nozzle. soy products are rampant, test your food before you eat it.-- monty, Sep 17 2000 Tofudebeest http://www.uni-ulm....ide/tofudebeest.gifGary Larson would probably buy one if this cartoon is any indication. [RobRoy, Jan 18 2002, last modified Oct 04 2004] I dunno, might be a tape of Liberace. <grin!>-- StarChaser, Sep 18 2000 My first reaction to this is that it was a stupid idea. I mean, there's nothing wrong with soybeans. But apparently it's a fairly common allergy, so the idea isn't as stupid as it sounds.-- baf, Jan 29 2001 As a person with many many allergies, I don't like the idea of tricking people into eating something they otherwise wouldn't. I thought vegetarians/vegans were so because of ethical reasons. I'm in favour of the tofu detector.-- wannalearn, Jan 17 2002 I like it! Have a croissant (but you'd better get busy developing your detector; there's no telling what's inside).
I personally only eat free-range tofu. The way they process the poor critters at the tofu abbatoirs is horrifying...-- snarfyguy, Jan 17 2002 Right on, Monty! That soy crap is packed with female plant hormones.
No sprouting breasts for me!-- seal, Jan 18 2002 Was that sprouting breasts or breasts like sprouts?-- RobRoy, Jan 18 2002 If the point is just to avoid Tofu because of the taste... too bad! I mean it just tastes like nothing. If an allergy is the problem, I'm very sympathetic though. But wouldn't it just be safer to avoid the relevent types of food entirely? I mean Soy is used in everything, in most Asian cuisine, for example.-- spaceman_spiff, Jan 18 2002 Neither taste nor allergy is the issue with me, spaceman spiff. Rather, I don't want a product used in lieu of hormone replacement therapy for post-menapausal women put into my masculine body.
Hence, the "no sprouting breasts for me!" comment.-- seal, Jan 18 2002 Hey, what is this doing in the vegetarianism category? Omnivores can and do eat tofu, too.-- rebekkahshiri, Jan 23 2002 random, halfbakery