Product: Incense
revolving incense holder   (+12)  [vote for, against]
patterns from smoke

a revolving platter for cone incense, or ring for stick incense with a rheostatic (correct term?) control, that would allow for adjustment of speed with a few pieces of incense burning.

this might allow for a nice pattern of smoke looking similar to a helix culminating in a nice plume of scented goodness. (if you like incense)

possibly with a small buddha statue atop so the plumes join just above his head.
-- nth, Dec 23 2005

I like +.
-- blissmiss, Dec 23 2005

Very slick. I can envision all sorts of permutations. You could use it as an ashtray too. You would want this in a still and breezeless room, which the incense-burning types like anyway, so they can huff every bit of that lungyummy incense.
-- bungston, Dec 23 2005

a gadget for hippies! beautiful. +
-- rainbow, Dec 26 2005

Dude.. Like, I started reading this..

um..6 days ago, and I just..

Hey! you could burn incense on that thing!!!

i'm reeeeally hungry.
-- moPuddin, Dec 30 2005

A gadget for me! Oh. Whoops.

Anyway, [+] - the smoke has formed the shape of a croissant...
-- bookends, May 08 2006

I can't help but think of some sort of jerky-drying rotisserie thingie.
-- DesertFox, May 08 2006

random, halfbakery