Rather than the traditional cardboard/towel/hat on that doorknob this device presents a more sophisticated level of access control.It's a punch-through panel that has a screen on one side and a keyboard on the other. It can display pre-selected icons such as "do not disturb", "not even if there's a fire", "maid only","please come in, I'm so lonely". Alternatively the user can upload is own images and type his own text.-- Voice, Feb 26 2011 Won't the panel have to be replaced every time you punch through it?-- pocmloc, Feb 26 2011 This is already partially baked insomuch as the Headmaster of St. George's Windsor used to have/has one of these with just the red and green lights labled 'Enter' and 'Engaged'. I never had the balls to graffiti over the former with 'Vacant' though.-- TomP, Feb 28 2011 So, basically, this has nothing to do with the title?-- Alx_xlA, Mar 03 2011 Strobes to filter out epileptics?-- saedi, Mar 03 2011 random, halfbakery