That's it really. The bottom of the handle would have an edge of some sort to pry open a paint can.-- chumley, Dec 31 2003 (???) Yahoo Geocities [chum]. Feel free to delete this link. [Worldgineer]Hastily Illustrated Concept Sketch http://punk.madlose...img=ps/CanBrush.jpgIdea by [chumley] [Letsbuildafort, Oct 21 2004] I'm invisioning a crowbar with a brush secured-on by rubber-bands. I imagine it would give the brush a funny feel too, but if you're white-washing a fence it doesn't really matter ...-- Letsbuildafort, Dec 31 2003 yea, hopefully you could balance it properly. I imagine it on larger brushes, 2 inches wide or more.-- chumley, Dec 31 2003 Good call ... could also serve an a slight extension.-- Letsbuildafort, Dec 31 2003 how do you post drawings on this site?-- chumley, Dec 31 2003 You don't. If you don't have a site of your own to post an image on (and link to it from here), I recommend getting a free place to put images on Yahoo.-- Worldgineer, Dec 31 2003 thanks-- chumley, Dec 31 2003 it might be awkward to hold however a hook on the metal part that holds the brush upright on the (in)side of the paint can and opens the can as well would be terrific +1-- po, Dec 31 2003 category suggestion: Product - painting tool.-- po, Dec 31 2003 I sketched one incorporating [po]'s suggestion...
Hope I got close.-- Letsbuildafort, Dec 31 2003 random, halfbakery