Computer: Mouse: Shape
malleable mouse/trackball   (+1, -1)  [vote for, against]
An ergonomic mouse that can adjust it's shape to the curve of your hand

I tend to use trackballs and I happen to use a different one at work then at home. Recently as the karpal tunnel started acting up again, I realized that I'm straining the index finger because it's not supported by the trackball.

What if the mouse or trackball could be molded to the shape/curve of your hand, be it inflatable or using some other mechanism to change its shape.
-- theircompetitor, Feb 02 2004

(?) Gel Mouse http://www.nextag.c...el_mousezmainz2-htm
Not exactly what you want, I think. [half, Oct 04 2004, last modified Oct 05 2004]

(?) Breast Mouse
Baked! [hippo, Oct 04 2004, last modified Oct 05 2004]

PetPad Malleable Mouse http://cubiclebot.c...ent/patrick-staudt/
[theircompetitor, Sep 16 2010]

half -- right -- this just adds soft padding.

I'd want to be able to have...hmm, don't want to start a firestorm here...the bulge be as big as I want it to be :)
-- theircompetitor, Feb 02 2004

Orthopedic tracking appliances ... nice
-- Letsbuildafort, Feb 02 2004

Ahem... - see link.
-- hippo, Feb 02 2004

hippo: I think you're confused with my World's Most Wanted Flash Moment post
-- theircompetitor, Feb 02 2004

I think [theircompetitor] is onto something here, he gets my vote to stirring thought. Now all I need to do is patent the bugger! +
-- nomadic_wonderer, Feb 02 2004

Darn. You got there first. I was just thinking of a mouse with a malleable wire mesh shell that would let your hand breath as well. Being able to change the position of the buttons might also be nice.
-- chud, May 14 2004

random, halfbakery