As a listmanager I often get bounced e-mail because the mailbox of a listmember is full. Many never find out until someone tells them. Every ISP should offer the option to have an SMS message send to the user or perhaps a prerecorded voicemail about a flooded mailbox. ISPs can then also start selling mailboxes with an extremely limited size. A positive side effect is that people get educated not to send unsollicited attachments but to copy- paste texts from Word documents into the e-mail for example.-- rrr, Dec 03 2002 my only concern would be giving my sms info to the isp, it could be used for other advertizing.-- rbl, Dec 03 2002 If you are afraid of SMS spam from your ISP, I think you should switch to a better ISP first! But otherwise you can only give the number of your landline and your ISP should send out voicemails.-- rrr, Dec 03 2002 //Does it send you an email when your SMS box is full?// No, then it sends you a voice mail. If your voice mail box is full, it sends you a telegram. If you are not at home when the telegram arrives, it sends a carrier pigeon. And then...-- krelnik, Dec 03 2002 random, halfbakery