Product: Cell Phone: Audio
iPhone On Hold Music Sensor / Silencer   (+2)  [vote for, against]
Senses that horrific on hold music designed to make you hang up and silences it.

When the operator answers it senses this and turns the sound back on. While the "music" is muted you have a button blinking that has a jagged shaped treble clef showing that there's horrible music currently being muted and pushing the button can allow you to hear it if you enjoy being subjected to that stuff for some reason.
-- doctorremulac3, Jan 17 2025

Should be very easy to implement, the noise-cancelling things in browser-based video calling seem to be excellent at filtering out music and other noises and only passing voice. Not sure how they work though or how they are implemented, the main challenge for actually doing music over videocalling is how to turn that noise-cancelling off.
-- pocmloc, Jan 17 2025

random, halfbakery