Perfect for cheats of all ages, and esp. students who can't be bothered to copy someone else's assignment by hand(never mind actually doing the assignment themselves).
This photocopier would - by some very cunning software indeed- be able to understand the content of printed/handwritten pages and then re-write in in your own handwriting/ink colour. An even smarter version would be able re-write key phrases in your own special style.-- slancaster, May 25 2001 (?) Custom handwriting font provides a big chunk of what you need. [TickleMeElmo, May 25 2001, last modified Oct 04 2004] Scan, OCR, print in different font.-- angel, May 25 2001 Not just any font, your own handwriting font. See link.-- TickleMeElmo, May 25 2001 Could be useful for stalkers too. You could send letters to a celebrity in their own handwriting, and then you can claim that they were sending them to themselves as publicity for their latest film/record/tofu cookbook in the subsequent courtcase. I don't speak from experience mind...-- Bedford Van, May 25 2001 Like students haven't been copying each other's assignments before photocopiers were but a Hershey bar in Chester F. Carlson's back pocket?
Tutors and teachers aren't completely illiterate. If we read the same content twice, we know, even if it's in a different handwriting.-- jutta, May 26 2001 I've had many a (I've never copied anyone else's work, mind you) slacker copy my papers back in Middle school and the teachers never found out. They weren't too bright though.-- salmon, May 31 2001 Copying another's work doesn't always involve cheating. I often have to photocopy a classmate's notes (after missing a class). It would be great if I could put it back into my own handwriting rather than keep their illegible style. However, if I can't read it, how will the software?-- wannalearn, Feb 20 2002 random, halfbakery