We can't easily get rid of internet-abuse, like spamming, domain squatting, linkfarms, etc. So in the good Dutch tradition of legalisation, to give the idea of control (and at least be able to taxe it), I propose to create special TLDs for people who absolutely insist on sending unsolicited email, registering all potentially interesting domainnames or spam your searchresults with nonsensical link farms. I suggest the following:
.sp for all kinds of spammers .sq for domain squatters .lf for link farms
Any suggestions for additions?-- Buis, Mar 16 2007 What is a TLD? How about expanding these acronyms, people.-- Galbinus_Caeli, Mar 16 2007 Three-letter domain, like .com or .net.
What's the spammer's motivation for taking a domain name that clearly labels them as a spammer? How is it enforcible?-- lostdog, Mar 16 2007 Ah, you mean "top" level domain.
Ok.-- Galbinus_Caeli, Mar 16 2007 Much better to have a top level domain for evil geniuses
etc-- DenholmRicshaw, Mar 16 2007 random, halfbakery