Vehicle: Boat: Sailboat
dander-fied boat.   (+3)  [vote for, against]
Dermal Ablation for Natural Dander-like Environmental Relief

Deep within this sailboat a heart beats for a mindless beast designed to grow rubbery-plug-like tendrils out through holes in the hull; spreading entirely below the waterline, a sleek skin, to encase and protect the vessel; a single piercing for the propeller and rudder, waste expelled through scattered glands.

As the years pass the skin sheds slowly, and attached barnacles and crabs and sea horses and mantish shrimps fall away as well.

Energy requirements are provided by an alluring manatee-like fixture swaying above the cockpit, drawing the curious sailor down into the soft maw.
-- mylodon, Apr 04 2023

Approved! Development grant cheque in post.
-- xenzag, Apr 04 2023

random, halfbakery