This cereal would be along the same lines as the genre that has those hard little marshmallows in it. The only difference would be the marshmallows would be packaged in a separate bag in the larger cereal container. Good for people who like different sweetnesses and people who like to eat the marshmallows separately.-- Voice, Feb 12 2012 just the marshmallows http://www.firehous...ama4CFQVahwodQgOpJAYou can already do that [Alterother] [Voice, Feb 12 2012] Also good for people with Celiac Disease, who can't eat the cereal with cheap freeze-dried marshmallows, but would like to put them on their gluten-free cereal. [+]-- Alterother, Feb 12 2012 Outstanding.-- Alterother, Feb 12 2012 Reminds me of Calvin and Hobbes. Specifically of Calvin's cereal.-- Psalm_97, Feb 12 2012 Right: the one he described as a form of contraception.-- mouseposture, Feb 12 2012 random, halfbakery