Food: Delivery: Airborne
air plankton extractor   (-2)  [vote for, against]
no more hunger pangs

Once caught, nuitritious "air plankton" - minute thingys that are flying around in the atmosphere - could be imbibed providing enough sustinence to make the purchasing of what is now known as food a thing of the past.

The air plankton extractor incorporates a large funnel which expands the surface area of the wearer's mouth, together with a filter to remove flies. The user then has to simply walk around and dinner is served.

Not suitable for vegetarians.
-- slancaster, May 09 2001

Skeptics Dictionary: inedia (breatharianism)
Inedia: the alleged ability to transform one's eating habits to do away with food and live on prana/light/the Holy Breath alone. Compared to those guys, this idea has at least a shred of reason left. [jutta, May 09 2001]

Do you have to pay for the operation that allows you to ingest food through your lungs or is that included in the purchase price?
-- st3f, May 09 2001

[sp: sustenance]

So how exactly does increasing the surface area of my mouth lead to me consuming more airborne particles, given that my lung and stomach size stays the same?
-- jutta, May 09 2001

Don't filter out the flies! They're crunchy and go great with the dead skin cells and smog particles.
-- Duffi, May 09 2001

Does this mean its ok to eat bogies, as technically they come from the same source.
-- Mr Risk, Apr 23 2003

I was thinking more of something like a giant air filter, which condensed the filtrant down to small cubes. mmmm.. alternativly, you could just lick clean your HEPA filters periodically.
-- johnmeacham, Apr 23 2003

This is an interesting idea, but not everything in the air is very palatable. Especially in cities. Car exhaust mostly, which is remarkably similar to chemotherapy drugs.
-- Madcat, Apr 23 2003

"Air plankton" = bugs

Not to mention that everyone now has giant funnels sticking out of their heads...
-- omegatron, Aug 15 2005

A bat (the winged variery)? They're pretty good at that sort of thing. Everyone should have a bat box in their gardens. [Tabs]- Where are you? Did you know there used to be bats in Kingston, under the bridge outside Lever House?
-- Dub, Aug 15 2005

random, halfbakery