This is pornography filmed in a vertical wind tunnel, at low power, with wings. I couldn't find any online. Doing it upside down? There must be tons of it, right? Not to google's knowledge.-- JesusHChrist, Mar 03 2017 [JHC], most VWTs recirculate the air (ie, air ejected out of the top goes around a huge duct and back in at the base), because this greatly reduces the power needed.
One consequence of this is that, if somebody throws up in a VWT, they have about half a second to get out of the way before it comes around again. For reasons that I need not go into, somewhat similar issues may arise with VWT pornography.-- MaxwellBuchanan, Mar 03 2017 And surely there is an appropriate category someplace in the 'bakery. Hold on, I'll go look ... (grumbling " ... Have to do everything around here, nobody reads anymore ...")
How about:
Business: Advertising: Media: Sky or Business: ATM: Position or Product: Movie or Product: Personal Flight Recorder or Public: Head of State or Science: Energy: Wind: Appearance or Science: Energy: Wind: Oscillation or Science: Fluid Mechanics or Science: Health: Sexual Aid or Sport: Air: Skydiving or Sport: Mass Participation or Vehicle: Aircraft: Flapping (that one sounds familiar)
I mean, I suppose you COULD find prostitutes willing to do this, but I suspect that it would be part time work at best.-- normzone, Mar 03 2017 "Dial 555-1212 and ask for Gale ..." ?-- 8th of 7, Mar 03 2017 Well, there are nude skydiving videos, and I have seen video of persons dangling from rock climbing gear off a cliff having sex. You'd think that Rule 34 would have covered this by now.
Your problem may be that you're using Google. They're getting pretty prudish in their doteage.-- normzone, Mar 03 2017 Develop a wind tunnel baptism and you can start four new religious sects. Naked or fully dressed, and with or with out vomit.-- popbottle, Mar 03 2017 Pants and No-Pants, surely?-- RayfordSteele, Mar 10 2017 //...if somebody throws up ... similar issues may arise with ... pornography//
[Max], you are watching the wrong kind of porn.-- pocmloc, Mar 10 2017 random, halfbakery