Culture: Superhero: S-Z
Two-D Man   (+1, -1)  [vote for, against]
Not just a perjorative any more...

As we know from speculative works like Flatland, the idea of a 2-dimensional universe and creatures that live in it is not totally far-fetched... What if such a universe existed, and there were intelligent creatures, and somehow one of them travelled through a portal into our universe...

2D Man would look like a sheet of paper (let's say more or less human-shaped) with various internal organs printed on it, when viewed from the side. When viewed from the front he would be invisibly thin. Let's postulate that because of his other-dimensional origin he can't be torn or injured by physical means (otherwise the first fly that ran into him would poke a nice hole...) Also he could instantly slice through any 3-D object.

Let's see, he has to have some character-building weaknesses... He's homesick for the stability and normalcy of his old 2D universe, he can only see in a line that falls in the plane of his thin direction (his eyes would be built that way), and he has a debilitating fear of Tuvan throat-singing...
-- wayne606, Mar 09 2004

moved to link
[engineer1, Oct 04 2004]

A link to above, with sound clips http://www.towerrec...t.aspx?pfid=1370942
[Klaatu, Oct 04 2004]

//and he has a debilitating fear of Tuvan throat-singing...//

Don't we all...
-- Detly, Mar 09 2004

Hey, check out Varttina [admin - link removed from text. Please use the 'link' button] They are a Finnish folk-rock band who on this album recorded some songs together with a Tuvan throat singer (I forget his name, but he's recorded a lot of music). A very wierd yet effective combination.
-- wayne606, Mar 11 2004

Ta to admin.
-- Detly, Mar 11 2004

1. 2D Man would not be invisibly thin from the front.

2. Baked by your own admission.

(Good book, though)
-- yabba do yabba dabba, Aug 17 2005

//2D Man would not be invisibly thin from the front. // please explain this to me in uni-syllabubbles... there's a dear

hi ya yabba.
-- po, Aug 17 2005

random, halfbakery