Fashion: Wig
Tumblewig   (+8, -2)  [vote for, against]

Take one tumblweed (as it slowly drifts by) and place it on your head. Style it with a pair of clippers, then go to the saloon. In time all the varmints will be wearing them, and you may open a Tumblewig Salon (right next to the saloon) where you can prune and colour to your heart's content.
-- benfrost, Feb 12 2005

¡Pinche ben cagado! [+]
-- Pericles, Feb 12 2005

Better than my dad's frisbee toupee. [+]
-- jaksplat, Feb 12 2005

<Private Eye Neophiliac Entry> Are Tumbleweeds the new Custard?</PENE>
*edited because I can't type Neophiliac!
-- gnomethang, Feb 12 2005

You have come a long way from "where can I get tumbleweeds in Australia", [benfrost]. I imagine you found a source.
-- bungston, Feb 13 2005

Are tumbleweeds the new custard? It appears so.
-- DesertFox, Feb 13 2005

Russian Immigrants brought along tumbleweeds? I can't see why for the life of me. However I am amused by the idea of people standing around on a ship as dozens of tumbleweeds roll around them.
-- hidden truths, Oct 11 2005

I'm glad you live in a part of the world were tumbleweeds are so abundant. Up here in New Hampshire, we have to use stray cats and/or snow.
-- jellydoughnut, Oct 11 2005

random, halfbakery