A feature length animated movie combining all the slapstick violence and comedy with Erwin Schrödinger's classic thought experiment, as - through a series of increasingly bizarre and improbable episodes - Tom and Jerry attempt to collapse each other's wave functions.-- 8th of 7, Mar 03 2011 Serendipitous but slightly O/T http://i1041.photob...-2.png?t=1299330740 [Dub, Mar 05 2011] But there is no way to know how the movie ends... I think.
I never understand the Schrödinger's Cat thingy longer than 2 or 3 days after reading it's full explaination... and I am way to blitzed to read about physics right now.-- MikeD, Mar 04 2011 Each time Jerry quashes Tom with a hammer, Tom reappears a few feet away, grinning like a Cheshire... no, wrong movie.-- sqeaketh the wheel, Mar 04 2011 Arguably, many cartoons demonstrate exactly the principle that Schroedinger described. Characters don't fall off the cliff until they observe that they are in mid-air. The 100 ton weight doesn't fall on them until they realise it's hanging in the air above them. The wild animals don't tear them to bits in the darkened room until they light a match and discover their peril, etc, etc.-- DrBob, Mar 04 2011 I'm not sure this would work. As we all know, film runs at a speed of 24 frames a second, so there would be no way of knowing where to actually go and see it.-- lostdog, Mar 04 2011 random, halfbakery