Product: Camera: Digital: Image Format
Time Lapse Subject Lock   (+3, -2)  [vote for, against]
Mainly to take amazing shots of the Earth moving through the sky relative to the heavens but other stuff too.

Link describes this.

Put it on a tripod and circle the object in the sky you don't want to move in the time lapse pic.

The Sun rise becomes the Earth fall and rotate, same with the Moon.

Maybe that's how they did the linked shot already but if not, it's an app that does the linked example.
-- doctorremulac3, May 27 2024

Linked example.
[doctorremulac3, May 27 2024]

Equatorial Mount
How to stay focused on a sky object for long exoosures [a1, May 27 2024]

a1's brain reading one of my ideas https://www.faceboo...el/1168323040839410
[doctorremulac3, May 27 2024]

Video Stabilization Using Point Feature Matching https://uk.mathwork...ature-matching.html
Adobe Premier Pro, does this, as does Capcut. I'd expect many other video editing and effects software to offer this kind of feature out of the box. [zen_tom, May 27 2024]

Only vaguely related https://arstechnica...t-stargazing-means/
A recent article about telescopes [a1, May 29 2024]

I can't tell from your write-up if you're (re)inventing a motorized equatorial mount, or proposing a smartphone app to emulate the effect.
-- a1, May 27 2024

//it's an app that does the linked example.//

You do this weird thing where you don't read the idea, then do lengthy comments that make no sense as a result.
-- doctorremulac3, May 27 2024

Please take this as constructive criticism: If your idea is to create an app to do something, say that up front - maybe even in the title or summary line.
-- a1, May 27 2024

Again, it's right there in writing. If you're just gonna read the title and summary might not want to comment on the idea. There's no need to justify your autobones but if you feel you need to, you might wanna have your comments at least make sense.

See link as a possible explanation of what's going on with you.
-- doctorremulac3, May 27 2024

That's mildly insulting , suggesting I can't read and posting mocking FB memes. Aren't you the one who insists we should all be nice to each other?

I'm just saying don't bury the lede. The idea would be easier to understand if you started out by plainly saying "an app that keeps a moving object centered in a time lapse video." That in itself is a common video effect, called key-framing, but it usually takes a lot of post processing work.
-- a1, May 27 2024

//I'm just saying don't bury the lede.//

Sorry, I'm not smart enough to know what a lede is.

//mildly// I'll try to do better in the future.
-- doctorremulac3, May 27 2024

NIce bit of video, but [marked-for-deletion] widely known to exist. Lots of video editors out there, Capcut runs on your phone.

Not to get involved, but insulting [a1] (or anyone for that matter) isn't necessary or called for, this is an idea website where people post and comment on ill-thought out ideas. Having to resort to insulting other people suggests you're i) taking things too seriously, and/or ii) you need to work on your sensitivity.

Also, when I googled the word "lede", I was able to quickly find out what it meant. No need to feel not-smart. All the tools are at your fingertips.
-- zen_tom, May 27 2024

[zen_tom], thanks for posting that link. I considered posting examples from other products, but they all require a lot of manual post-processing to get the effect. To give credit to [doc]'s idea, I think what he's after is an easier way to do it. I couldn't find an app that just lets you select fixed point before shooting and have it all done for you.
-- a1, May 27 2024

So it's NOT a feature on iPhone cameras, only a well known, (by me at least) post production feature.

Okay, that's kind of surprising.

And thanks for the lecture from you on not insulting people zen. Good stuff.
-- doctorremulac3, May 27 2024

random, halfbakery