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Science: Health: Artificial Limbs
Third arm   (+7, -4)  [vote for, against]
Attached to headband, controlled by eyebrows

Sporting a turret mounted solder dispenser, magnifier, spot lamp and multimeter probe.
-- neelandan, Dec 17 2001

Stelarc's third arm
This guy has got his third arm already. Now he's looking for a second set of ears. [TeaInTheAfternoon, Oct 04 2004, last modified Oct 17 2004]

Youbionic's extra arms https://mobilesyrup...printer-prosthetic/
They have a version that mounts two forearms with hands onto one of your wrists, and a version that mounts one whole arm onto your upper arm (which is what I want). [notexactly, Jan 23 2019]

Where can I buy one, [neelandan]?

My only concern is that just one extra arm may not be enough.
-- cp, Dec 17 2001

And poking myself in the eye.
-- phoenix, Dec 17 2001

[Deleted indignant sqawk at PeterSealy's "Halfbaked!" cry.]
-- neelandan, Dec 18 2001

Youth among sailors, UB?

You might consider transferring it to your belt, if you want it to wipe your arse. In that case a preprogrammed sequence would be preferable. "Both eyebrows together and up = wipe arse. Left down, Right screwed = hold drainage apparatus in appropriate position." The possibilities are endless.

This, however, is for people who lash up electronic circuits before committing to the full blown design of a printed circuit. Many a time I have added one more wire to a joint only to find that three wires spring out.

RT & cp, it seems, share my sentiments.

Phoenix: the system will have built in stops to avoid poking yourself in the eye.

[Deleted ominous sentence mentioning a Gatling Gun]
-- neelandan, Dec 19 2001

Don't worry, Peter's mostly 'armless...
-- cp, Dec 19 2001

Within the past couple of years, I saw some research project where they made 3D-printed arms with hands, that mounted onto the arms of a person with typical arms, to assist with tasks. I don't think what I found just now [link] is it, but it looks pretty similar in concept.
-- notexactly, Jan 23 2019

Hmm, it doesn't seem very useful as it stands. I'm wondering if there's a way of creating maps of the motor and sensory homunculi which enable extra hands and then interfacing them to peripheral nerves somehow.
-- nineteenthly, Jan 23 2019

Not sure I'd want a third arm. A third penis, though...
-- MaxwellBuchanan, Jan 23 2019

You could've had mine if you'd asked but there'd be bits missing.
-- nineteenthly, Jan 23 2019

Wait, not that it's my business but how many.... never mind. I don't want to know.
-- Voice, Jan 23 2019

Thanks anyway, [19thly], but I'm good.
-- MaxwellBuchanan, Jan 23 2019

random, halfbakery