Imagine stumbling into the bathroom at 3 a.m. and glimpsing through squinting eyes the throbbing red and green glow of an almost always evergreen brush. Thats right, this clever, conical, toilet brush doubles as a merry, miniature Christmas tree.
Not only is it outstanding at skid mark removal, but resting upended on its stand, its recessed and waterproofed LEDs lend more than one festive soupçon to holiday #1s and 2s. Below the green bristles, its patented drip-away eaves keep the battery-encasing handle dry and hygienic.
Add just ten dollars to your Toiletree order and well include Bah Humbutt, the toilet roll insert that plays a new carol for each paper pull.-- FarmerJohn, Dec 05 2004 Toile http://www.housefab...7&CategorySubID=205 [dentworth, Dec 05 2004] A reindeer-themed cleanser: http://www.acehardw...9&parentPage=familyIn festive colors. [Amos Kito, Dec 06 2004] Hmmmph! Where's the toile? You said there would be toile.-- jurist, Dec 05 2004 It must be 2 a.m. your time. Are you sitting in there with a laptop?-- FarmerJohn, Dec 05 2004 words fail me.-- dentworth, Dec 05 2004 Lovely when all the poo-lets and bits of toilet paper mache get back lit by the flashing LEDs.-- Belfry, Dec 05 2004 From the tv ads I've seen lately, the leading edge in this field is disposable toilet brushes. You are missing this wave, it would seem.-- DrCurry, Dec 05 2004 Roudolph the brown nosed reindeer, Had a very...ah skip it +-- 2 fries shy of a happy meal, Dec 05 2004 This would probably be a big hit in Japan.-- harderthanjesus, Dec 05 2004 One can never have too many christmas-themed home articles. [+]-- Pericles, Dec 05 2004 //clever, conical, toilet brush//
?-- skinflaps, Dec 05 2004 Pudenda-- ConsulFlaminicus, Dec 06 2004 "On, Comet."-- Amos Kito, Dec 06 2004 O ToileTree, O ToileTree Your branches clean so well O ToileTree, O ToileTree You flush away that smell You clean my bowl of gunk and stains And make it shine like when it rains O ToileTree, O ToileTree Just $19.99 where fine household care products are sold.
Kinda brings a little tear to the eye, doesn't it?-- Canuck, Dec 06 2004 Yep, gotta dab my eyes with some TP. Oh shit, now Bah Humbutts playing Santa Claus Is Coming To Town, and Im really bawling.
[skin-Bubba] //Is it a brush shaped like a tree?// Yes.-- FarmerJohn, Dec 06 2004 random, halfbakery