Product: Light: Decoration
Tesla Coil Christmas Display   (+2, -1)  [vote for, against]
Eat your heart out Clark W. Griswold

Musically-synced outdoor Christmas light displays are so passe'. Elevate the shock value of your Christmas lights and help fill the ozone hole. Go big with it. Make Nicolai Tesla proud.

Or go slightly stealthy. Just imagine the hair-raising whimpers of ...delight and glee... as the kids notice your standard porch Santa sitting there with branching electrostatic sparks dancing from his eyes as he sings "Santa Claus is Watching You."
-- RayfordSteele, Jun 04 2024

Or one of these https://www.pintere...164803667587756175/
[a1, Jun 04 2024]

I'd buy one. [+]
-- doctorremulac3, Jun 05 2024

random, halfbakery