Radar technologies are detecting smaller and smaller objects. Submarine communications masts are no exception, and this is my solution:
A water vortex in the ocean. Water is spun and spun into a mini maelstrom, creating a vortex of air below the surface of the ocean. The communications mast can be deployed within this pocket of air allowing for communications with satellite, assuming a satellite is in the right position. This leaves no radar signature, the trough in the water not registering because water absorbs the radar waves.-- twitch, Nov 29 2010 The Fog http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_FogWhat you can't see can hurt you ... [8th of 7, Nov 29 2010] It will increase visibility if there is a surface ship or aircraft doing a visual inspection. I am also not sure if it is possible to do this without producing a distinctive sonar signature. Both of those being said, the idea definitely has some promise.-- MechE, Nov 29 2010 Very good.You could use electro magnetism in something resembling a distributor cap to diamagnetically repel the water and create the vortex. This would produce little to no sound which is good, and nothing for radar to catch which is good, but wouldn't sonar pick up on a vertical column of air rising through the water?-- 2 fries shy of a happy meal, Nov 29 2010 Is something like this worth the time and money? I suppose it depends on how pervasive radar is, compared to sonar. As far as sonar picking up a vertical column of air, it wouldn't be more than a 4 foot column of air, or even smaller depending on the size requirements of the com antenna.-- twitch, Nov 29 2010 Given that submarines generally try to evade detection, creating a big swirling vortex of air and water is probably a bad idea. Floating a small aerial on a buoy to the surface and then reeling it in after use would be a cheaper and better approach.-- hippo, Nov 29 2010 // Bit of a homey touch, isn't it? //
You might think so, until HMS Elizabeth Dane came creeping silently alongside.
There are things in the fog, you know ...
<link>-- 8th of 7, Nov 29 2010 random, halfbakery