The initial idea was a browser extension which blocks, on popular porn sites, every title with data or metadata containing the word "step", since I can't search any subject at all without that word being in at least half of the results. But this could be extended to any number of disliked topics or fetishes. If enough people were to use it it would also discourage topic stuffing where people who post porn put every possible fetish in the title and metadada to deceptively garner views.You may now pretend you don't watch porn and, just in this post, I'll pretend to believe you.-- Voice, Jun 28 2023 Which site have you been told does that?-- Voice, Jun 28 2023 If you were to create a new fetish around topic-stuffing (on the grounds that it's now taboo), that would be quite metadada, I suppose.-- pertinax, Oct 30 2023 random, halfbakery