Doc Martens air wear boots are a legend.I'm not sure if they are still as good as they used to be, now that most of them are made in China and Thailand, but back in the day they were amazing when they were all made in England and here's why for anyone who doesn't know.
Dr. Martens originals featured an AirWair sole. This was an airfilled cushion that Dr. Martens would repair free of charge if it was damaged. Dr. Martens had only one main downside - the leather on them was of a particularly resilient type that had to be broken in before they were really comfortable.
To take advantage of the super air cushioned sole, but avoid the tough leather upper, I propose the creation of the Sock Martens, especially designed for domestic or office wear.
As the name suggests, Sock Martens are a pair of comfortable, warm socks for wearing around the house, but when you need to nip outside for a short trip to the bins, or the car, or to fetch in one of the neighbourhood cats for a visit, there's no need to put on your shoes, as the Sock Martens do the job perfectly.
Their waterproof air cushioned soles protect your feet from the cold and damp and you can stand around for long periods of time doing housework etc in total comfort without the many weeks of wear required to break them in. The upper socks are naturally knitted to resemble a traditional pair of leather Docs with the extended laces etc.-- xenzag, Apr 06 2022 socks with shoe bottoms https://www.acorn.c...M2xDKRoChgoQAvD_BwE [xandram, Apr 06 2022] Original Oxblood Dr. Martens https://www.atterle...n-england-oxblood-2this is exactly what Sock Martens look like. [xenzag, Apr 06 2022] I love the title, but I’m wondering if your idea is like the socks in the link I posted?-- xandram, Apr 06 2022 Doesn't matter, I'm auto-bunning any ideas that have nothing to do with orange man. [+]-- doctorremulac3, Apr 06 2022 [+], although Trump would never think of this.-- 4and20, Apr 06 2022 // if your idea is like the socks in the link I posted?// hahaha - those are nothing like Docs with Airwair soles. See link to see what Sock Martens are like.-- xenzag, Apr 06 2022 hello, I know what Doc Martens are, but Sock Martens should be socks, no? You linked a pair of shoes!
I understand you said they were knitted, but one cannot knit leather, so I don’t appreciate being laughed at.-- xandram, Apr 07 2022 1 Laughing is one of the joys of life, and a big compliment.2 You can knit leather quite easily when it's in the form of strands.3 Sock Martens look like the Doc pics but they can still look like that whilst being made from a soft fabric.-- xenzag, Apr 07 2022 Unless you wear shoes in the house, I can't imagine why you'd wear these in the house, for the same reason most people don't wear slippers outside. You'll ruin the soles wearing them outside and track a bunch of dirt back in.-- 21 Quest, Apr 07 2022 You need to have indoor shoes and outdoor shoes.-- Voice, Apr 08 2022 I have a pair of velcro slippers with rubber soles. They're great for short outside jaunts.-- RayfordSteele, Apr 08 2022 //You'll ruin the soles wearing them outside// Doc Marten soles are incredibly tough and comfortable for wearing all day indoors, yet you can make trips outside without any risk of damaging them. Their extreme comfort is why they are worn by traffic wardens and postal workers. Sock Martens enable indoor workers to have the same degree of comfort but not have to wear heavy shoes or boots.-- xenzag, Apr 08 2022 random, halfbakery