Babies often fall rapidly to sleep while riding in a car seat, but it's not always convenient to drive them around. This product feels like a real car seat, including the sounds and vibrations of a real car in motion. Also functions as an interesting infant psychology project.
Babie-sized VR goggles sold seperately.-- centauri, Feb 15 2001 theres a bit of shorts with my ps2 so you can use plastic it holds the wires in place the plastic will be over the wires like a case-- tree2, Nov 28 2002 a robot dog that flies and jumps fowlows you and acts like a camera it actualy sits up in the corner recording-- tree2, Nov 28 2002 (averts eyes from tree2's notes for fear of losing marbles) What a great idea. I think I will fall asleep on trains and in cars for the rest of my life, trains are particularly sleep-inducing I find, so maybe an adult version for the insomniacs amongst us?-- Ludwig, Nov 29 2002 When I was young, my parents ysed to drive me around and around until I'd fall asleep, until they discovered that they could just stick me in... er, I mean on top of the dryer in my car seat.-- ben_krak, Jul 05 2004 Baked- somewhat- they have a baby seat that vibrates, but it does not have a big seat belt like car seats do.
You would want to sell the seat with crunched up cherrio's in it to make it look real.-- macncheesy, Jul 06 2004 I just read tree2's annos, and have one question:
Am I drunk? I don't think I drank anything.-- disbomber, Apr 06 2005 random, halfbakery