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Product: Robot: Domestic
Significantly Amplified Knitting   (+4)  [vote for, against]
Waldoed Knitting Hands

Makers, shmakers.

Longing for that custom made cashmere sweater or scarf? Worried that those cute mittens on Etsy are actually being made by child labor in Guatemala? Or for that matter just tired of doing the work yourself?

Well, fear no more with our networked Waldo Knitting Hands, see the work being done by master knitters in real time, or based on pre-recorded clips that you or others recorded.
-- theircompetitor, Dec 30 2012

If you can have 1 waldo operated by a master knitter you could have 10,000 or 100,000 operated by the same person at once allowing you to clothe the world. Certain skilful artisans of the craft could achieve popstar status. [+]
-- AusCan531, Dec 31 2012

So, Ralph Loren?
-- normzone, Dec 31 2012

yes, that's the idea, AusCan531 :)
-- theircompetitor, Dec 31 2012

random, halfbakery