Quite simple in theory: a waffle iron to create the shape of the Sierpinski Carpet for your mathematical breakfast pleasure.
Cleaning it could prove tricky.-- RayfordSteele, Mar 30 2010 Sierpinski Biscuits http://www.evilmads....php/fractalcookies [pocmloc, Mar 31 2010] No, just wipe it with a Menger sponge ...-- 8th of 7, Mar 30 2010 This would be good, particularly because it would toast instantly. The viscosity of the syrup would prevent it from entering almost all the holes, but maybe it could be replaced by some kind of non-Newtonian fluid.-- nineteenthly, Mar 30 2010 Great, no doubt that will come with an instruction book that takes 800 years to decode ...-- 8th of 7, Mar 31 2010 random, halfbakery