I can twist my showerhead to ajust the type of spray; further left for a gentler spray, and further right for something more invigorating.
The twisting reminds me of an old fasioned radio tuner, so why not add one which co-ordinates with the style of spray.
My gentle shower is accompanied by the Classic FM breakfast show; as I twist round to the more invigorating flow, I automatically retune the radio to Elvis and the Morning Zoo on Z100.-- Fishrat, Dec 18 2003 Water powered radio http://www.halfbake...r_20powered_20radiosomewhat related idea by [bryons] [krelnik, Oct 04 2004, last modified Oct 05 2004] I think I'd find it rather annoying to shower with "beats" of water.. Although a cold shower listening to dance music with your shower head sure would wake me up in the mornings!-- v0rtexx, Dec 18 2003 Hmm - just to clarify when I say the music would be co-ordinated with the water, I don't mean //beats of water//, I mean a regular shower. When you twist for a gentle shower, you get tuned to a gentle station. Twist the shower for a harder flow, and you simultaniously get retuned to a more upbeat station. You pre-choose the channels.-- Fishrat, Dec 18 2003 Would this block the view of your "showercam"? Adverts for these keep popping up in my browser!-- dobtabulous, Dec 18 2003 perhaps it could be marketed to play songs by the band of your choice... I'm thinking the "Radiohead Showerhead Radio" would be a good seller... or at least sound funny-- luecke, Dec 18 2003 Have the shower head beat to your radio station of choice. Help conserve water, get a massage and rock-out all at the same time.-- Letsbuildafort, Dec 18 2003 random, halfbakery