Often when I play Scrabble, there comes arguments if a word is ok or not.... having a dedicated dictionary for the game would be great!-- Thrust, May 12 2019 There are many. For example: https://www.amazon....66&s=gateway&sr=8-1 [MaxwellBuchanan, May 12 2019] WKTE-- Voice, May 12 2019 A dictionarty - great idea - but what is it?-- xenzag, May 12 2019 A book that tells you how to enunciate statements on Art, shirley ?
Logically, there should also be a Reverse Scrabble Dictionary which consists of just the definitions without the words.-- 8th of 7, May 12 2019 Like rhyming dictionaries are sorted by (reverse) soundex/phonemes so words which rhyme are near eachother. I suppose that though it wouldn't take much to sort by word-score (easy to do with an app, which you could identify letter/word scores), it wouldn't be in the spirit of the game-- Dub, May 12 2019 random, halfbakery