Every item in the store is taged with a small mag RFID tag. Instead of a conventional chackstand you place your bags on a conveyor that transports them into a high power RFID scanner similar in structure to an airport baggage xray. This device weighs the bags and scans the item tags totaling the purchase. You pass through a portal that scans you for tags then pay for the items on the other side. Once you have paid the scanner disgorges the bags and you are on your way.-- WcW, Mar 08 2008 First link... http://www.rfidjour...ticle/view/1082/1/1on Googling "RFID self checkout" [neutrinos_shadow, Mar 09 2008] I'm pretty sure this is a well-established vision of the "store of tomorrow".-- phoenix, Mar 09 2008 What's "SCO"? Also, what's a checkstand?-- angel, Mar 10 2008 SCO = Self-CheckOut
"Checkstand" is another word for "checkout counter" - the combination of conveyor belt, register, and collection area that you pass as you pay for goods in e.g. a grocery store.-- jutta, Mar 25 2008 random, halfbakery