Giving new meaning to the term "clock movement", this timepiece would look best on the wall but could also be mounted on a stand on the mantle or on the floor, constructed as a grandfather clock. Precisely weighted and balanced, the clock would swing back and forth on a central axel, driving its conventional clockwork. The pendulum and weights would hang from the same point but be motionless.-- FarmerJohn, Oct 14 2002 rocking image http://www.geocitie...e/rockingclock.html [FarmerJohn, Oct 04 2004, last modified Oct 21 2004] aint the internet wonderful... guinness clock [po, Oct 04 2004, last modified Oct 21 2004] a tribute to Bill Haley.-- po, Nov 10 2002 I think the effect would be even cooler if the hour hand stayed stationary and the clock face rotated.-- bookworm, Nov 10 2002 when I was a child there was a Guinness clock that went off every 1/4 hour with all sorts of wonderful embellishments. I doubt if I could find a link though. I drove my parents mad, with my wanting to go back every time.-- po, Nov 10 2002 If I understand you correctly, I've seen an antique one of these.-- DrCurry, Nov 10 2002 So, if you didn't understand him correctly then you never did see one of the antique things that you saw? Weird.-- bristolz, Nov 10 2002 [Doc], there are a bunch of neat old pendulum clocks, and even some modern ones, where the whole shebang (technical term) swings. (_!_) Now all they gotta do is figure out a way to hold the pendulum still, and VIOLA!... rockin' clocks. (Or is that "voila"?)-- Amos Kito, Nov 10 2002 random, halfbakery