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Food: Fast Food
Red and Yellow Printer   (+3)  [vote for, against]
A printer that uses ketchup and mustard on dogs and buns.

Nathans Hot Dogs for example could print their logo on their hot dogs and/or the hot dog bun.

Use of the standard squeeze bottles as a printer cartridge would be ideal.

Wash down with garden hose. Or place printer in frig until tomorrow.

(could add a blue green with industrial pickle relish, but it is so lumpy.)
-- popbottle, May 13 2014

My next refrigerator will have USB ports? No, tech moves too fast. It won't need cable access - it will need to be password protected so my neighbors don't access my condiments via wireless.
-- normzone, May 13 2014

Would mustard now cost a bazillion dollars an ounce?
-- Cedar Park, May 18 2014

random, halfbakery