Food: Decoy
Ramen Grenade   (+2)  [vote for, against]
Pull the pin, start the countdown to explosive flavor!

A self heating Ramen container shaped like a hand grenade for some reason. This blatant ripoff of Sanman's "Ramen Anywhere" idea features these changes:

1- It's shaped like a hand grenade.

Imagine how your friends will laugh and laugh when you throw a smoking hand grenade into their car and rather than having their body parts splattered all over the parking lot, the only thing that's murdered is their hunger as 8 essential chemicals and preservatives penetrate their tastebuds like so much red hot shrapnel. They'll be grabbing their tummy, not to try to scoop their guts back in, but to be rubbing their satisfied belly after having a snack of yummy maltodestrin, hydrolyzed corn protein and TBHQ whatever the fuck that is.

Hungery? KABLAM!! not anymore!
-- doctorremulac3, Jun 19 2024

This but shaped like a hand grenade. Ramen-Anywhere
[doctorremulac3, Jun 19 2024]

Suggested title: Ramen EVERYWHERE
-- pocmloc, Jun 19 2024

Also, excellent choice of category
-- pocmloc, Jun 19 2024

Shouldn't you have titled it Ramen Everywhere? .. Dang!!! you were there first [poc] .. I'd probably now mumble something about great minds if it wasn't such obvious and low hanging fruit ;D
-- Skewed, Jun 19 2024

//Also, excellent choice of category//

Oops, good catch.

I looked for the pasta explosives category and I think it must have gotten taken down.

But I found the category equally as bizarre: food: decoy
-- doctorremulac3, Jun 19 2024

// TBHQ whatever the fuck that is //

An antioxidant. As a food preservative it prevent oils from going rancid. High consumption rates may cause cancer and other health problems. Low consumption rates may actively prevent cancer and other health problems.
-- a1, Jun 19 2024

random, halfbakery