Hand soap is so boring dont you think? There's been little innovation, if any in this field for decades and I think it's about time the everyday product gets an upgrade.
A honeycomb-esque soap bar filled with different colored and scented liquid soap deposits in each individual compartment. As the bar erodes, different soap pockets constantly get exposed, creating a wash full of lovely scents and bright frothy colors.
Its like washing your hands in rainbow really...-- shinobi, Mar 14 2006 nuttier antecedent crazy_20soap [po, Mar 14 2006] Crystal soap http://www.juliesgiftsoap.com/CR002.htmlSimilar to [normzone]'s description of the grody soap in his shower. [jurist, Mar 14 2006] Baked, although I lack a means to demonstrate it to you. In my shower at this moment is some soap cleverly crafted to resemble geodes.-- normzone, Mar 14 2006 Nice, and I don't think that soap that looks like coloured crystal is really the same thing - unless it somehow becomes rainbowised when you use it. Only problem with this is, wouldn't all the colours mix into brown?-- wagster, Mar 14 2006 Baked. It was done a while ago. I saw it in Popular Science. The bubbles are colourful when bubbles, when they evaporate they go clear again. It was made so cleaners could see where they've cleaned.-- FunkyMunky, Mar 14 2006 This could be so easily manufactured, too - maybe by making lots of soap pockets (like the clothes washing liquid capsules which dissolve in teh wash) in different colours and sticking them together in a sponge shape. Nice!-- rubyminky, Mar 14 2006 Bubbles already are multi-colored: thin films interere with light in interesting ways, giving you rainbow colors.-- DrCurry, Mar 14 2006 but froth is always white.-- po, Mar 14 2006 random, halfbakery