This umbrella is coated with a water sensitive membrane. Once it has stopped raining, the sensors transmit a signal which powers a green led on the inside of the umbrella.
Once the user sees the green light, they know they can safely put their umbrella away.
It would seem that there is a market for this, as I've just seen several people walking along underneath umbrellas, even though it stopped raining 5 minutes ago.-- jtp, Nov 16 2006 Weather Forecast Umbrella http://www.ambientd...ambientumbrella.pdffound what i was talking about.. [rascalraidex, Nov 17 2006] Completely stupid - I like it [+]-- zen_tom, Nov 16 2006 I pictured an umbrella with a voice thingy telling the user things like, "Oh, yech! I hate the rain.", "Hey, I'm getting all wet over here!", or "I'm melting, I'm melting. Please make it stop.",or "Hey little rain drop, Iknow you had a long trip. You just rest on my top for awhile, be cool, little dude."
I guess your idea is more useful. Could we have it do both?-- NotTheSharpestSpoon, Nov 16 2006 [ntss] The umbrella in the description is from the economy range. The "Rainmaster" incorporates all the features you mention, and a few more...-- jtp, Nov 16 2006 maybe you could also have it download the local forecast and blink a little red light so you don't forget it when you leave the house...-- rascalraidex, Nov 16 2006 [rascal] Ah, so it's the "Rainmaster" you'd be wanting then...-- jtp, Nov 16 2006 Proximity sensors alert you that you're about to bump into someone else's umbrella.-- phundug, Nov 16 2006 these brollies just close down on your head without warning?
oh, I see.-- po, Nov 16 2006 The light thing i was talking about is apparently in the works already. It looks pretty cool.-- rascalraidex, Nov 17 2006 random, halfbakery