The coils are connected to a CPU and battery taped to the exterior of the glass. A switch connects between, sine, square or ouch, a sawtooth waveform. The frequency is Kenneth of course.-- mensmaximus, Feb 04 2005 Dangerous Proposition, [mensmaximus] http://poststuff2.e....php?media=fire.wmvShort WMV showing the possible result of such a beverage. [contracts, Feb 04 2005] But what does it do? Sounds like it will just warm the liquid and create a bit of a magnetic force. Are you meaning to control ripples?-- Worldgineer, Feb 04 2005 What is the frequency Kenneth?-- zen_tom, Feb 04 2005 If it the glass were filled with ferrofluid, you could turn it upside-down when the coils were on.-- bungston, Feb 04 2005 Thankyou [longshot] another REM song makes slightly more sense to me now. And I'd always thought they were just being weird.
[Edit] after having done a search for REM's lyrics, I have returned to my original conclusion.-- zen_tom, Feb 04 2005 what?-- brodie, Feb 04 2005 This would give me Tommyrot.-- gnomethang, Feb 04 2005 random, halfbakery