While the cost of making this idea is very very prohibitive as a business idea(pokemon scale), this would fill up a nich in the table top gamer.
essentially it looks like any other pokemon game card, just thicker.
However the magic is when you open the two like a popup books, the creatures pops out in a fury.
Of course you can put just stats and abilities, but why not also put a health slider to keep track of the creature's health. very important in a large table game(warhammer style).
To make a rare card more valuable, all you need to do is to add more craftsmanship to it. (make it more cooler, more moving parts)
This will make for a more engaging battle, and lots more broken paper figurines as well.-- mofosyne, Apr 22 2008 In all fairness, aren't you just reinventing Dungeons and Dragons (with all those figurines and multi-sided dice) ?-- DrCurry, Apr 22 2008 Pretty much... hmmm... or not...
This is an idea that doesn't have to apply to D&D, maybe it can be part of a premium style collectible card game(Magic the gathering on crack/ yugioh... etc...).-- mofosyne, Apr 22 2008 As a sometime Magic player I'll bun this. There are some problems, but the idea of a hologram popping up on the table is pretty cool.-- Noexit, Apr 22 2008 This would work, be cool and make money. Full points.-- bungston, Apr 22 2008 +!-- jaksplat, Apr 22 2008 random, halfbakery