Food: Cereal: Theme
Pop-rock O's   (+1)  [vote for, against]
The cereal that explodes in your mouth

I've always loved pop-rocks. If they (kellogs or some other big brand) could take the explosive, tingly joy of this candy, and take it a place it has never been: the breakfast table.
-- dehodson, Jan 15 2009

He won't eat it. He hates everything. http://www.associat..._nearly.html?cat=37
He likes it! Hey Mikey! [2 fries shy of a happy meal, Jan 15 2009]

Dire Straits isn't "pop rock", it's "dad rock" - perhaps Tears For Fears would have been a better example.
-- hippo, Jan 15 2009

Needs Mikey for the ad.
-- 2 fries shy of a happy meal, Jan 15 2009

random, halfbakery