A large projection screen is fed through a reflection system that comes directly from the TV screen. I imagine it possible to make it no wider than 6 inches, with an adjustuble / focusable mount in the lower back area where it would attach to the front of the TV. I will provide a picture asap.-- TimD, Nov 18 2003 tv to projector http://www.dith.cwc.net/tvproj.html [sporn, Oct 04 2004] Please do provide that picture. You kinda lost me there.-- half, Nov 18 2003 Damn... :( I did a search on here, but didn't come up with anything...-- TimD, Nov 18 2003 It sounds a lot like the thousands of '100 inch projection tv plans' available on ebay.-- benjamin, Nov 19 2003 random, halfbakery