Now I have to enter a description? I figured the name of the invention would suffice... I suppose you could make the device double as a grass plug inserter - fill the handle with plugs like the tubular magazine on repeating rifles, cap it off, and pogo your way to a rejuvinated lawn!-- Navy_Guns, Nov 10 2005 A thought springs to mind: perhaps bounce this over to a category related to exercise. A non/poorly rebounding pogo stick is bound to be a lot of work.-- half, Nov 10 2005 disagree - this is great for the garden
<bounce>-- po, Nov 10 2005 I agree - I could sit and watch po bouncing up and down all day long. [Yeow! Mind my toes!]-- DrCurry, Nov 10 2005 just waiting for me to fall over - I know. :)
not called po go for nothing.-- po, Nov 10 2005 I wasn't serious about changing the category. It was just an excuse to work some bunch of bounce related words in to an annotation.
But, it will be a *bunch* of work to keep it bouncing, unless it also uses cartridges like repeating rifles...-- half, Nov 10 2005 ...Or a primitive diesel cylinder, like they use in some pile driving machines.-- Adze, Nov 10 2005 "Time for bed!" said [wagster].-- wagster, Nov 10 2005 random, halfbakery