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Vehicle: Airplane: Comfort
Pet-Friendly Airline   (0)  [vote for, against]
Buy your pet a ticket, instead of carrying them as luggage

The idea is a niche airline serving only major routes, probably (NYC, Chicago, LA, etc.), where you can buy your pet a ticket and bring them on board, instead of stashing them in the luggage area, which can be unheated or unpressurized. The pets will be happier, and so will the owners.
-- crazywriter_2003, Jul 22 2003

'baked http://www.pethealt..._with_your_dog.html
One in first class, one in coach. [thumbwax, Oct 04 2004]

I vote for this, as long they install cameras in the plane so I can watch the hilarity ensue.
-- DeathNinja, Jul 22 2003

I remember hearing that some airlines used to let you take a cat in a carrier into the cabin with you as a piece of carry-on luggage. Don't know whether or not they still do. Shipping your pet as cargo can be quite dangerous as pilots often forget to turn on the air to the cargo area.
-- mrthingy, Jul 22 2003

random, halfbakery