I'm not sure if this idea is necessary, but a jazz musician, or even someone who amid laughter sits down at the piano and starts to play would appreciate more than just a sonic recording of an impromptu session at the ivories or trashcan lids or bannister. (If this has been done I'd be obligated to see where's it baked at.) So a notation recorder would not only record the music, but also spit out the notes as notation to the trusty Mac or PC for further squidging. Mayb e I'm simply thinking of a standard digital tape recorder... The device would somehow combine a sample with notation software... It would sort-of replace the fancy Yamaha player piano that gives you mechanical playback & notation of your noodles.-- cloudface, Feb 25 2005 Intelliscore http://www.intellis....html?src=audiomidiCan't endorse this myself, but it's free so why not try it out? [wagster, Feb 25 2005] AKoff http://www.akoff.com/Or there's this one. [wagster, Feb 25 2005] I've seen this done on a pc. I'll see if I can find a link.-- etherman, Feb 25 2005 Cubasis does this.-- angel, Feb 25 2005 Is it any good at it?-- wagster, Feb 25 2005 (After a long delay): Yes, excellent. You play, it records MIDI which it can convert to score.Apparently (though I can't confirm this), Sibelius can do the opposite: you scan a printed score and it plays the notes.-- angel, Jun 24 2005 random, halfbakery