I read that New Car Smell is toxic [link], so just have a passive barrier valve cause it to exit the car many times faster.
What is a passive barrier valve? Just think of memory foam mattress toppers, they exapand and become more air-passable when slightly warmed and automatically shrink when cool. This would make cars hyperporous on warm days, improving outgassing. PTFE-tex might just keep external odors out, or it might not.-- beanangel, May 10 2017 Volvo likes ridding its vehicles of that new car smell. https://www.edmunds...smell-be-toxic.html [beanangel, May 10 2017] There are plenty of smelly things you could have in your car that are not toxic.
I wonder what Hertz or Avis would say about losing the new car smell early from their rental fleet.-- popbottle, May 10 2017 You seem to be proposing to make flow easier (overall) by adding a (variable) restriction.-- notexactly, May 13 2017 Do cars not have openable windows nowadays?-- pocmloc, May 13 2017 random, halfbakery