Here's what you get:
One portable, fold up stove, that looks like a pile of half burnt wood, but carefully conceals a mantle, connected with a bark encrusted hose to a gas bottle which is in turn disguised as a small boulder.
Two fire starting twigs, which, when rubbed together, activate a piezoelectric crystal causing a large spark to leap off into your "stove".
Cutlery in the form of ceramic knives and forks that look like razor edged flints and sharpened sticks.
Easy-clean teflon coated, stiffened fabric plates, made to look like large leaves.
Pre-cooked range of "Food-Fit for Caves", Meals Ready to Roast.
Primeval noises of the forest soundtrack to play whilst dragging your partner backwards by the hair to dinner, using the reinforced "Easy-Pull" wig (included)-- xenzag, Jul 25 2006 Absolutely pointless. [+]-- hidden truths, Jul 25 2006 Also one pre-hobbled pig to hunt.-- moomintroll, Jul 25 2006 Um, why not use *real* razor edge flints...? In fact, I'd take this all one step back - sanitized primitive implements.
After all, banana leaves are widely used as plates in India and points east - no need for plates that look like leaves.-- DrCurry, Jul 25 2006 + Ug og.-- 2 fries shy of a happy meal, Jul 25 2006 Banana leaves and no eating utensils at all. Indonesian take-out, and damned good.-- baconbrain, Jul 28 2006 Note - this product is now available in a “Flintstone Brexit” version, featuring red white and blue flames, and is fully endorsed by the UK’s Trump Moron equivalent aka Bonkers Boris.-- xenzag, Jun 22 2019 Easily remarketed as US or french versions.-- Skewed, Jun 22 2019 This seems baked by most American food.-- RayfordSteele, Jun 22 2019 random, halfbakery