In it's simplest form, this idea essentially proposes skin-hugging plastic which forces fat into the shape of muscle.
While not claiming to offer any sort of health benefit, applied properly and from a suitable distance your average overweight lump of lard will appear a glistening, perfectly sculpted figure, complete with bulging six-pack and hefty triceps.
The strong, clear, lightweight, breathable, reusable material preferable for muscle-shaped fat may not yet exist, but its development is surely just around the corner.-- Mr Phase, Mar 04 2008 or like this? http://www.costumes...ume-body-parts.html [xandram, Mar 04 2008], it's like a girdle then?-- xandram, Mar 04 2008 Exactly, but invisible, and suitable (theoretically) for all major body muscles.-- Mr Phase, Mar 04 2008 Oh, so this isn't surgery to move my stored beer reserves to my biceps?-- normzone, Mar 05 2008 random, halfbakery