By introducing special carousel pony lanes marked by vibrant lane markings upon certain highways,busy people may now pogo-a-pony across town.
These exquisite and beautiful ponies are a delight to observe and use. You control the reins which in turn rev's the self contained engine attached to the centered pogo stick.Hop on, feet into the stirrups, a quick "giddyup" and off you go bouncing across town.
Other variations could include the magic of Unicorns or the mythical fantasy of Pegasus.-- skinflaps, Dec 12 2005 (?) Carousel pony http://www.carrouse...lionheart-large.jpgAdd a motor and a pogo stick. [skinflaps, Dec 12 2005] Wags, a pony is nothing... http://www.worldwid.../articles/ worried when they ask for a monkey. [coprocephalous, Dec 12 2005] sp: reins
:)-- po, Dec 12 2005 :)-- skinflaps, Dec 12 2005 If Rolls Royce have a problem getting Spirit of Ecstasy not to damage pedestrians, think of the problems you're going to have with a unicorn.-- coprocephalous, Dec 12 2005 This is a beautiful idea. It just begs for an illustration.-- hidden truths, Dec 12 2005 //It just begs for an illustration.// The cartoon sequence in Mary Poppins?-- coprocephalous, Dec 12 2005 "Mummy I want a pony!" just got more expensive and more dangerous.-- wagster, Dec 12 2005 ...And more manly. Jeremy Clarkson will be test-driving one before you know it. (DISCLAIMER: I find Jeremy Clarkson immensely annoying; I just don't know any other test-driving people's names.)-- friendlyfire, Dec 12 2005 //any other test-driving people's names// Princess Anne?-- po, Dec 12 2005 coprocephalous/wagster: be even more worried if they ask for a yard (this is misdefined in that article - it actually means a billion of whatever currency you're talking about).-- DrCurry, Dec 12 2005 random, halfbakery