Tough meat is tough. Thousands of years of experimentation have come up with all sorts of ways to tenderize tough meat - ageing, marinades, enzymatic tenderizers. I propose that sterilized maggots be used to tenderize tough meat such as wild game birds and lean cuts.
Maggots generate a potent brew of tenderizing proteolytic enzymes. Sterilized maggots are seeing increasing use in medicine - basically for the same reason (to destroy dead/devitalized tissue). Sterilized maggots would be added to a fresh cut of tough, lean meat and allowed to work. Before cooking, the meat would be gently heated from below, encouraging all maggots to evacuate. By which I mean get out of the meat. The supremely tender meat would then be prepared and served. The tunnels left by the maggots would also allow better penetration of sauce / marinade. The diner would never know.-- bungston, Nov 13 2003 Medical maggots overview. [bungston, Oct 04 2004, last modified Oct 06 2004] Or just cook the maggots.-- DrCurry, Nov 13 2003 More maggots means more nutirents [+]-- Letsbuildafort, Nov 13 2003 buy better meat, use a hammer, Dont put maggots in my dinner!-- krod, Feb 29 2004 imagine if a maggot died and neglected the warning for evacuation. that'd be really gross. yuck.-- cardeguy, Feb 29 2004 random, halfbakery